Emily Lucas Counseling LLC

Treating Postpartum and Perinatal Mood Disorders in the Flathead Valley Montana

Emily Lucas Counseling LLC is the counseling practice of Emily Lucas in Kalispell, Montana. 


Haley Peters, RN, and Emily Lucas, LCPC, will host a retreat at the Deep Bay Center in Lakeside, Montana on February 23rd, 2019. Our retreat will focus on birth trauma and other related PMADs (postpartum/perinatal mood and anxiety disorders).

The retreat begins at 9 and ends at 6 with meals provided. You are welcome to bring a babe in arms if childcare or separation from your little one for that period of time is not doable.

9-12 opening circle with introductions, order of the day, and goals

12-1 Lunch provided and time to walk or be outside if desired

1-6 guided art therapy, yoga, processing group, finalizing art activity, and finishing processing group

Cost $100 or negotiable

Register through the “contact me” page or via email admin@emilylucascounseling.com

Who should attend?

This retreat is for mothers to be, new mothers, and moms who are old pro’s, who had a different path than they realized. This retreat is therapeutic in nature, meaning we will focus on the struggles of becoming a mother, grief in giving up our identities and acquiring new ones, the transitions we’ve made, won’t make, and were forced to make, and the impact motherhood has had on our lives. This retreat is about connection and witnessing. It is also about healing and making peace with your journey.

Why should I attend?

Consider attending if you are looking for connection to other moms who’s journey was not rosy but unexpected and messy. Consider attending if you feel alone, weird, unheard, or upset. Consider attending if you want to process your journey to and in motherhood with other moms who want to relate and support you. Perhaps we can have a community that continues to support our individual motherhoods long after the sun sets on this day long processing retreat. Consider attending if you’ve had success in local mother’s support groups and want to go deeper.